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Saturday 24 June 2017 (9 am to 9 pm) and Sunday 25th June 2017 (9 am to 9 pm)

BlueJackal organized a two day online event on our facebook page about Manga with comics artist Bharath Murthy! At this one-of-a-kind event, Manga expert Bharath Murthy talked about Manga storytelling, illustrations, its techniques and gave a brief introduction to Manga history with a focus on the Gekiga movement in Japan in the 1950s.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
There were online posts, discussions and live video sessions which  focused on the various aspects and thematic of Manga. Bharath showed us different techniques employed by Manga artists. People were invited to participate in the online discussion about these aspects of Manga by posting their comments,views, questions and reflections on our page, to which Bharath Murthy responded

Bharath Murthy is a comics artist, editor and filmmaker. He founded COMIX INDIA, a graphic fiction magazine for adults, in 2010. The Vanished Path - A graphic travelogue by Bharath Murthy was published in March 2015 by HarperCollins Publishers India. In 2010, he made a feature documentary on Japanese comics culture, The Fragile Heart of Moé, co-produced by NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation). He works on animation projects as a partner in Studio Ekonte. He has also taught film direction at Film & TV Institute of India (FTII), Pune for more than three years and conducts workshops on comics and animation. He blogs at 

With this event BlueJackal is attempting an educational and learning programme online. In future we hope to design more of these interesting learning platforms in visual and creative arts. We are open to individual proposals with specific interest in teaching or developing modules on comics, children's books, graphic narratives, illustrations and posters. Write to us at




A poster by Akshay Sethi

A poster by  Jithinlal 

A poster by Pallavi Arora

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