Blaise Joseph

‘It has become truly difficult to love without getting hurt’…there is so much of hurt feelings all around - the violence of social structures that cut the wings of imagination in the minds of children. People who hold themselves close to nature are marginalized and forced to sacrifice their simple, but sustainable aspirations for the ‘wants’ of a few. It is bleeding - hearts of people bleeding because they have been forced to hate the other while they desire to cross borders to build human relationships…it is the militarization of learning spaces; the militarization of love-relationships; the militarization of individual expressions. It seems to be a war in the name of Love.
Blaise Joseph has trained as a sculptor from M. S. University of Baroda, India. He has been closely engaging with different communities (mostly marginalized) across India while evolving his artistic practice. Now working in collaboration with Atreyee Day, he facilitates communities through a process of image making, story-telling and illustration. As art consultants to a Delhi based organization, NEG-FIRE, they have together realised a series of illustrated book projects with specific tribal communities in Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. Co-creating murals in community spaces and doing street-art is also a significant part of Blaise’s art practice. Currently he lives in Belgaum, but he travels extensively for the various projects he is involved with.