C 13: An Exhibition | A Proposition | A Playground | A House
17th April - 7 May 2017
Organised by The Foundation for Indian Contemporary Art, C13, Pamposh Enclave, New Delhi | Curated by Vidya Shivadas

A poster for the exhibition by Shefalee Jain, Core Group, BlueJackal
The exhibition was a collaboration between artist Priyanka Choudhary and FICA. For the past seven years, Priyanka used C 13 as a studio space and has now extended an invitation to other practitioners to rethink the possibilities of a studio space. For three weeks C 13 will turn into an exhibition space with talks and programmes. It will also temporarily house FICA Reading Room in its premises. Watch this space for further updates! Visit us in our old-new very temporary home at C 13, Pamposh Enclave.
C 13 is both ordinary and unique. Like many homes, it has secrets hidden inside it. It is located in a neighbourhood which, like many Delhi neighbourhoods, also shares its stories reluctantly. The stories lie low, simmering, murmuring. In many senses it is an anomaly, one of the few remaining examples of the older Delhi house with its verandas, trees intertwining the structure of the house, open balconies and terrace roofs amidst the newly constructed ubiquitous builder flats.
In all these years C 13 has held at interim identity as an artist studio. And through April-May 2017 it will play that role one last time. It opens its doors to artists and collectives, to work with abandon, to work even if it is to abandon. It invites us to re-imagine the spaces and contexts we inhabit and how we choose to inhabit them. It invites us to listen in on its stories and in turn share ours.
Participating Artists: Babu Eshwar Prasad, BlueJackal, Chandan Gomes, Gagan Singh, Inder Bhan Madan, Karthik KG, Khursheed Ahmad, Lokesh Khodke, Priya Ravish Mehra with Rafoogars of Najibabad and Kashmir, Priyanka Choudhary, Shefalee Jain, Shivangi Singh, Showkat Kathjoo, Thlana Bazik, Vivek Moktan. FICA Reading Room conceptualised in collaboration with Susanta Mandal.
BlueJackal at C 13:
BlueJackal collaborated with FICA to showcase at this exhibition, a selection from the never before published Chronicles of Inder Bhan Madan. The other project that BlueJackal showcased at this exhibition included entries we received for our open call, Situation Comics 2.
BlueJackal also painted dialogue boxes on the walls of the Pamposh house (exhibition site) which are references from popular Hindi and English super hero comics and displayed a selection of these comics. Old, abandoned, unused spaces/places are always favorite locations for popular comics writers and illustrators. These dialogue boxes and the comics bring to notice how these kinds of spaces are deployed to create particular kinds of imagination about abandonment, very often posing it as a threat to the norms of civic life.
Exhibition View